Arkansas Mesothelioma & Asbestos Lawyers
Asbestos Exposure in Arkansas
The risk of asbestos exposure for residents of Arkansas extends across the state. Arkansas has certain areas that place people at increased risk for exposure, specifically areas where the mineral was imported, where mining occurred and where improper demolitions took place.
Arkansas has no Superfund sites in which asbestos is listed as an official contaminant, but the toxic mineral can still be found in areas that pose a risk to residents.
Arkansas was one of many states that received tainted vermiculite from Libby, Montana. The vast majority of this vermiculite went to North Little Rock. The remaining shipments went to other Arkansas cities like Nashville, Hope, Pine Bluff and Little Rock.
Occupational hazards exist in multiple fields, sectors and workplaces in Arkansas. Much of the danger is dependent on the daily functions of the occupation of an employee. Certain occupations provide more extreme hazards, like asbestos exposure, which can end up being fatal.
Provided below is a list of cities in the state of Arkansas where asbestos jobsites are known to have been located. If you worked for any of these companies or at these jobsites in Arkansas there is a possibility that you may have been exposed to harmful asbestos which is known to cause mesothelioma and lung cancer.
Search the list of cities by name:
- Reynolds Metals Reduction Plant
- Apco Refinery
- Coosa River Newsprint, aka Kimberly Clark Paper Mill
- Georgia Pacific Paper Mill
- Necussa Edwards Paper Mill
- Nekoosa Edwards Paper Mill
- Reynolds Alum
Reynolds Metals Alumina & Ceramics Plant
Benton - Alcoa Plant
- Bentonville School
- Bentonville School District No. 6
- Bush Brothers Cannery
- Conoco Chemical Plant
- ALCOA Aluminum Plant
- International Paper Company
- International Paper Mill
- Georgia Pacific Paper Mill
- Crossett Mill
- Crossett Paper Mill
- Georgia Pacific Paper Mill
- Georgia Pacific Plywood Mill
- Georgia Pacific Chemical Plant
- Dierks Paper Mill
El Dorado
- American Oil Refinery
- Lion Oil Refinery
- St. John’s Hospital
- Campbell’s Soup Plant
- University of Arkansas
Flint Creek
- Flint Creek Power Plant
- Ash Grove Cement Plant
- Foreman Cement Plant
Fort Smith
- Dixie Cup Plant
- Sparks Medical Center
- Atomic Genery Commission
- Arkansas Power & Light
Hot Springs
- Arkansas Power & Light Plant
Jones Mills
- Reynolds Metals “Jones Mills” Reduction Plant
- City of Jonesboro
- Alcoa Aluminum Plant
Little Rock
- Arkansas Electrical Co-Op
- Arkansas Power & Light
- Arkansas Power & Light Storeroom
- Delta Plant
- Houston Electric Company
- Lincoln Steam Power Plant
- Little Rock Airport
- Olin Mathieson Chemical Plant
- Reeves L. Ritchie Steam Plant
- Super Wood
- Texaco Plant
- Veterans’ Administration Hospital
- Ethyl Plant
- Arkansas Light & Power Plant
- Delta Pipeline
- Arkansas Kraft Paper Mill
- Arkansas Power & Light
North Little Rock
- Cecil Lunch Steam Plant
- Lynch Power Plant
- Monsanto Chemical Plant
- Ideal Cement Plant
Pine Bluff
- Arsenal
- Derrick Paper Mill
- Dierks Papermill Wood Products
- Dravo Steel
- Georgia Pacific Paper Mill
- International Paper Co.
- International Paper Mill
- Pine Bluff Arsenal
Prairie Grove
- Atomic Energy Commission Plant
- Arkansas Power & Light
- Redville Steam Plant
- Arkansas Nuclear One
- Arkansas Power Nuclear Power Plant
- Russellville Nuclear Power Plant
- Cross Oil
- Stamp Steam Plant
- Arkansas Power & Light Harvey Couch Power Plant
- Riceland Foods Plant
- Stuttgart Hospital
- Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.
- Cooper Tire Manufacturing Plant
- Lone Star Ammo Plant
Family Matters.
"Thank you for calling just to check on me. You don’t know how much that means to me."- John L.
"At SWMW Law, people really do matter."- Lois M.
"My deepest gratitude to the attorneys and everyone who are working on my husband’s case for him."- Jeanne M.
- Trial Verdict $11.5 Million U.S. Navy Machinist Mesothelioma (VA)
- Trial Verdict $9.7 Million Take-Home Exposure Mesothelioma (WI)
- Settlement $7.5 Million Union Pipefitter Mesothelioma (MO)
- Settlement $7 Million Union Insulator Mesothelioma (MO, IL)
- Settlement $7+ Million Pipefitter & Electrician Mesothelioma (IL)
- Trial Verdict $6 Million Union Steamfitter Mesothelioma (VA, MD, DC)
Decades of Cumulative ExperienceOur team is comprised of dozens of highly talented and experienced attorneys ready to fight for your best outcome.
Thousands of Clients RepresentedOver the course of our firm's experience, we have helped thousands of victims and their families recover.
National ReachWe come to you wherever you are in the United States to help you and your family recover.
Resources + Personal AttentionA senior partner of our firm will be involved in your case, utilizing a team approach with massive resources uniquely applied to your case.
Because Justice Matters.
Whether you have questions or you’re ready to get started, our legal team is ready to help. Complete our form below or call us at (855) 744-1922.