Asbestos Exposure Connecticut
Asbestos Exposure Connecticut
Connecticut Mesothelioma & Asbestos Lawyers
Asbestos Exposure in Connecticut
employees. Shipbuilders and sailors were at high risk for inhaling asbestos, which was a common insulator on private and U.S. Navy vessels.
Workers at aircraft manufacturers, metal works, and chemical plants, among other industries, in Connecticut were also at a high risk for asbestos exposure. Employees at Connecticut’s former asbestos mine faced an exceptionally high risk of exposure.
Some of the state’s largest asbestos threats included the helicopter manufacturer Silkorsky Aircraft, Quinebaug Cotton Mill, Simpkins Industries Paper Mill, and Hersey Metals Co. Hundreds of other industrial plants in Connecticut relied on asbestos as insulation for their machinery, and employees were exposed to the fibers during daily operations.
Pleural Mesothelioma: Chest pain, shortness of breath, persistent cough, and fluid buildup in the lungs (pleural effusion).
Peritoneal Mesothelioma: Abdominal pain, swelling, nausea, and weight loss.
Pericardial Mesothelioma: Chest pain, irregular heartbeats, difficulty breathing, and fatigue.
Testicular Mesothelioma: Swelling or lumps in the testicles.
Surgery: To remove as much of the cancer as possible.
Chemotherapy: To kill cancer cells or stop their growth.
Radiation Therapy: To target and destroy cancer cells.
Immunotherapy: To boost the immune system to fight the cancer.
It’s far more important to contact an attorney with a strong history of experience specifically in asbestos cases, than it is to select one who happens to be in your area of Connecticut. The most successful attorneys in your area may have never handled an asbestos case.
SWMW attorneys dedicate the overwhelming majority of their time and effort prosecuting mesothelioma claims, so we know which states and jurisdictions are going to provide the best outcome for your case and can get your case settled faster.
Jobsites in Connecticut With Known Asbestos Usage & Exposure
- Berlin CL & P
- Berlin Jr. High School
- Berlin Town Hall
- Dangeiser Manufacturing
- Grantmore Motel
- Polimer Machine-Webb Shop
- Berlin High School
- Berlin School
- Berlin-Pike Drive In
- Emhart
- Howard Johnson’s
- Schaeffer Brewery
- Asland Chemical Co.
- Bethel Church
- Bethel Fire Department
- Bethel Library
- Bethel-Berry School
- Kanthal Corp
- Vanderbilt Chemical
- Whitfield Laboratories Inc.
- Bechtel Powerhouse
- Bethel Convalescent Home
- Bethel High School
- Bethel Town Hall
- George H. Shepard & Son
- Synco Resin Plant
- Vanderbilt Chemical Corp
- Allen Manufacturing Company
- Bloomfield Bank
- Bloomfield Cobra Office Complex
- Bloomfield Jr. High School
- Bloomfield Packing House
- Bloomfield Post Office
- Bloomfield Telephone Relay
- Christ & King Luth. Church
- Connecticut General Life Insurance
- Copaco Mall
- Hebrew Apartments
- Knollwood Convalescant Home
- Levant Rugs
- Pedleton Fire Brick Company
- Tumble Brook Country Club
- Wamponoag Country Club
- Bergdorf Health Center
- Bloomfield Bottlemaking Company
- Bloomfield High School
- Bloomfield Library
- Bloomfield Police/Fire Building
- Bloomfield Synagogue
- Bloomfield Town Hall
- Connecticut General Insurance
- Connecticut Printers
- Emhart-Bloomfield
- Kaman Airport
- Laurel School
- Limbach Company
- Prosser Library
- United Tool
- Atlantic Wire Company
- Branford Armory
- Branford High School
- Branford Savings Bank
- Branford-Short Beach School
- Echlin Manufacturing
- Malleable Iron Fittings
- Olin Ramset
- Blakeslee Westinghouse
- Branford Disposal Plant
- Branford Jr. High School
- Branford Truck Stop
- Crown Bellis Corp
- First Congressional Church
- Mowbray Studios
- St. Mary’s School
- A D C Contr. & Supply Corporation
- Algonquin Club
- American Fabrics Company
- American Tube & Stamping Plant
- Ashcroft Manufacturing Company
- Beardlsey Tr. Housing Project
- Best Welding Company
- Boiler Repair & Welding Inc
- Bridgeport Electric Light Company
- Bridgeport Gas Light Company
- Bridgeport Hardware Manufacturing
- Bridgeport Metal Goods Manufacturing Company
- Bridgeport Powerhouse
- Bridgeport Rolling Mills Company
- Bryant Electric Company
- Bullard Company
- C.C. Fischer and Company
- Catholic High School For Girls
- Citizens Gas Company
- Commercial Metal Heat Tre
- Connecticut Fire Brick Company
- Consolidated Ashcroft Hancock Company
- Crane Value Company
- Eaton, Cole and Burnham
- Fairchild and Shelton
- Federal Office Building, Lafayette St.
- General Electric Company
- Griffin Hospital
- Harvey Hubel, Inc.
- Hobbell, Harvey Inc
- Hydro-Blast Corporation
- Isolation Hospital
- Jewish Community Center
- Lewin and Sons, Inc.
- Litchfield High School
- Locke Manufacturing
- Masonic Temple
- N Y N H & Hartford R R
- Park City Hospital Inc
- Peerless Aluminum Foundry Company Inc
- Ponds Extract Company
- Producto Machine Company
- Raybestos-Manhattan Inc
- Remington Arms & Ammunition Company
- Robert A. Keasbey Company
- Singer Manufacturing Company
- Standard Fuel Company
- Steel Point Powerhouse
- Stratford Housing Job
- Underwood Commerce Properties
- Union Typewriter Company
- United Gas Imp Company
- University of Bridgeport
- Warner Brothers Company
- Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company
- Whiting Manufacturing Company
- Zandanella Construction Co.
- Acme Shear Company
- Amer Chain & Cable Company
- American Graphophone Company
- Asbestos Distrubutors Corporation
- Bassic Company Div/Stewart War
- Beechmont Daipies
- Bilton Machine Tool Company
- Bridgeport Brass Company
- Bridgeport Forge Company
- Bridgeport Harbor Station Powerhouse
- Bridgeport Hospital
- Bridgeport Pipe Engineering
- Bridgeport Projectile Company
- Bristol Hospitaly
- Buckley Brothers
- Burnzol Incinerator
- Carpenter Steel of New England
- Central Police Headquarters
- Columbia Recording Company
- Connecticut Breweries Company
- Connecticut Railway and Lighting Company
- Consolidated Safety Valve Company
- Dictaphone Corporation
- Ebasco Services
- Federal Court House Building
- Fire Brick Construction Company
- George C Batcheller and Company
- Handy & Harmon
- Heppenstall Company
- Housing For Elderly
- Industrial Refractories Corp
- Jenkins Brothers
- Lafayette Bank & Trust Company
- Liberty Ordnance Company
- Litchfield Junior High School
- Manning, Maxwell & Moore
- Michael Hoffman Fuel Company
- Nancy Lynn Bakeries Inc
- Park City Supply Company
- Peoples Savings Bank
- Post Publishing Company
- Rann Hickman Associates
- Read School
- Remington Rand Shaver
- Sikorski Aircraft Company
- Stamford Hospital
- Stanley Wks American Tube & Stamping Plt
- Stratfield Motor Inn
- U.S. Aluminum Company
- Union Metalic Cartridge Company
- United Electric Illg Company
- United Illuminating Corp
- Valve Corporation of America
- West End Plant
- Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company
- Wisvest Connecticut
- Associated Springs Corporation
- Bristol Brass
- Bristol Elderly Housing
- Bristol High School
- Bristol Housing
- Bristol Print Shop
- Bristol Sewage Distributors
- Bristol Stafford School
- Bristol Town Hall
- Connecticut Light & Power Company
- General Motors Corp
- J.H. Sessions and Son
- Mix Street School
- North Elementary School
- Plymouth School
- St. Joseph School
- St. Stanidar’s School
- Superior Electric Co.
- Wallace Barnes
- Bristol Ball Bearings
- Bristol Central High School
- Bristol Elementary School
- Bristol Hospital
- Bristol Office Building
- Bristol School
- Bristol Shopping Center
- Bristol Telephone Building
- Carberry Theatre
- Eastern Bristol High School
- Hubbell School
- Kennedy Apartments
- New Departure Manufacturing Company
- Northeast School
- South Elementary School
- St. Paul’s High School
- St. Stanislav’s Church & School
- Surface Combustion Engine
- Westwood School
- A T & T Company
- Ball, Soclat & Manufacturing Company
- Cheshire Correctional Center
- Cheshire Novitiate
- Cheshire Post Office
- Cheshire Retard. Reg. Center
- Consolidated Industries
- First National Bank
- S&P Plumbing & Heating
- Waverly Inn
- Allied Chemical Corporation
- Cheshire Animal Hospital
- Cheshire High School
- Cheshire Police Station
- Cheshire Reformatory
- Cheshire Telephone
- Cosmicoat
- Lasalette College
- St. Bridget’s Church
- Adams Hat
- Amphenol
- Barton’s Corporation
- Bradlees
- Caldor’s
- Continental Oil
- Danbury Armory
- Danbury Bethel Gas Electric Light Company
- Danbury City Hall
- Danbury Country Club
- Danbury Elderly Housing
- Danbury Firehouse
- Danbury High School
- Danbury Housing
- Danbury Library
- Danbury Rest Area-I 84
- Danbury School
- Danbury Telephone
- Danbury Water Treatment Plant
- Davis & Geck
- Fairfield Processing
- Grand Union
- Hilton Hotel
- Interstate 84
- Medallic Art
- National Semi-Conductor
- New Danbury High School
- Newmont Exploration Co.
- Panozza Florist
- Pitney Bowes
- Read’s Department Store
- Ruppert Brew
- St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
- Stevenson’s Plaza
- Tallauco’s Garage
- Union Carbide
- Western Connecticut State College
- Wooster School
- Allied Chemical
- Bard Parker
- Boeringer-Englhiem
- C H Merritt and Son
- Continental Can
- Danbury Abott Tech. School
- Danbury Augustian Fathers
- Danbury Bethel St. Railway Company
- Danbury Convalescent Home
- Danbury Courthouse
- Danbury Elementary School
- Danbury Hat Company
- Danbury Hospital
- Danbury Jewish Community Center
- Danbury Palace Theater
- Danbury Rubber Company
- Danbury Teacher’s College
- Danbury Union Savings Bank
- Danbury Wooster School
- Eagle Pencil Company
- German Pharmaceutical
- Hayestown School
- Howard Johnson’s
- Mcdonald’s
- Mill Plain Office Building
- National Sintered Alloys Inc
- New Englander Hotel
- North Street Shopping Center
- Pembroke School
- Ponderosa Steak House
- Risclon’s
- S.N.E.T. Company
- State Teachers College
- Stop & Shop
- Tri-State Archery
- Viking Wire
- Wibling Tool Company
- A.D.C. Supply Warehouse
- Bacon Printing
- Derby Coal & Oil Company
- Derby Flood Control
- Derby Grammar School
- Derby High School
- Derby Library
- Derby Telephone
- Eveready Machinery Company
- Griffin Hospital
- Housatonic Dye
- Hull Dye
- Shop-Rite Derby
- United Illuminating
- B F Goodrich Company
- Connecticut Railway and Lighting. Company
- Derby Convalescant Home
- Derby Gas and Electric Company
- Derby Hat Co.
- Derby Housing-Methodist
- Derby Post Office
- Derby-Second National Bank
- Farrell Machine Corporation
- Hersey Metals Co.
- Housatonic Public Service Company
- National School Studios
- Sponge Rubber Products Company
East Hartford
- Acmat Corporation
- Case Brothers Inc
- Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power
- E Hartford Incinerator
- East Hartford Public Deliveries
- Edison Elect Illmg. Company
- Gaffney School
- Homestead Insulation Company
- Homestead Stores
- Meadow Hill Housing Project
- Pratt & Whitney
- Republic Steel Corp
- Savin Fuel Company
- Talco
- United Aircraft
- Wesleyan University
- Berlin Plant
- Connecticut Chemical Company
- E Hartford Housing Authority
- E Hartford Incinerator
- Eastern Trucking Siding
- Empire-Ace Insulation Manufacturing Company
- General Dynamics
- Homestead Insulation Warehouse
- Magnetic D S D Company
- Owens-Corning Supply Corporation
- Reed & Greenwood
- Sanitary Paper Mills
- Summit Thread Company
- Thermal Uniroyal
- University of Connecticut
- Willgoos Laboratory
East Haven
- A & P Renovations
- Church Of Epiphany
- East Haven Elementary School
- East Haven First Federal Savingy
- East Haven High School
- East Haven Overbrook School
- East Haven Sewage Disposal Plant
- Old Stone Church
- Stop & Shop
- Bradlees
- Deer Run School
- East Haven Episcopal Church
- East Haven Hemmingway Apartments
- East Haven Jr. High School
- East Haven Pathmark
- Gerish Avenue School
- St. Vincent’s School
- Eli Whitney Elem School
- Enfield Armory
- Enfield Elementary School
- Enfield Mall
- Enfield Neighborhood Center
- Enfield Post Office
- Enfield Savings & Loan
- Enfield Supermarket
- Enfield Town Hall
- Enfield Wool Company
- Fermi Enrico High School
- H.P. Hood Co.
- Henry Barnum School
- J.C. Penney
- Lydia Parkham School
- Our Lady Of Sorrow Hospital
- St. Patrick’s Church
- Eli Whitney School
- Enfield Elderly Housing
- Enfield Library
- Enfield Middle School
- Enfield Polish Convent
- Enfield Pumping Station
- Enfield School
- Enfield Telephone Relay Station
- Enfield United Methodist Church
- Felician Sisters Infirmary
- G. Fox & Co.
- Hallmark Cards
- Hospitality Inn
- Kennedy Jr. High School
- Mclean Trucking
- St. Martha’s School
- Stop & Shop
- Ahavath-Achim Synagogue
- Andrew Ward High School
- City Trust
- Clark Metal Products Inc
- E.I. Dupont De Nemours
- Exide Battery
- Fairco Air Conditioning
- Fairfield Banking-Computer Center
- Fairfield Convent
- Fairfield Country Day School
- Fairfield Firehouse
- Fairfield Housing
- Fairfield Loyola Hall
- Fairfield Post Office
- Fairfield Professional Building
- Fairfield Trading Post
- Fairfield Woods School
- Grassmore School
- Handy Harmen Co.
- Holy Family Church
- Notre Dame High School
- Richard Rogers House
- Rockwell W S Company
- Rolock Inc
- St. Timothy Chapel
- The Battery Company
- W.S. Rockwell
- American Ecla Corp
- Board of Education
- City Trust Bank
- Dupont-Fairfield
- Electric Storage Battery Company
- F.W. Carroll
- Fairfield Armory
- Fairfield Campus Center
- Fairfield Country Club
- Fairfield Dorms
- Fairfield Hills Hospital
- Fairfield Library
- Fairfield Motor Inn
- Fairfield Prep
- Fairfield Science Building
- Fairfield University
- General Electric
- Handy & Harmon
- Hollands Department Story
- Mckesson-Robbins
- Notre Dame Novitiate
- Riverfield School
- Roger-Ludlow High School
- St. Pius X Church
- Stop & Shop
- United States Aluminum Company
- Allstate Insurance
- American Research Corporation
- Farmington Country Club
- Farmington High School
- Farmington School
- Farmington Soceity For Savings
- First National Store
- Lakeview Apartments
- Pratt & Whitney
- Stanley Works-Auto Door Division
- Stauffer Chemical
- Uconn Health Center
- American Red Cross
- Farmington Avenue
- Farmington Dental Hospital
- Farmington Monastery
- Farmington Sewer Plant
- Farmington Town Hall
- Industrial Park
- Miss Porter School
- Red Cross
- Stanley Works-Steel-Coal Division
- Uconn Extension
- Union Carbide
- 1st Congregational Church
- Button Ball School
- Gideon Welles School
- Glastonbury Convalescant Home
- Glastonbury Firehouse
- Glastonbury High School
- Glastonbury School-Nabuck
- Glastonbury Shaving Soap Factory
- Glastonbury Town Hall
- Hopewell School
- Salmon Brook Building
- Wintonburg School
- Academy School
- Eastbury School
- Glastonbury Church
- Glastonbury Elementary School
- Glastonbury Garage
- Glastonbury School-Hebron Avenue
- Glastonbury Sewage Plant
- Glastonbury Snetco. Garage
- Hampton Oil
- Sage Allen
- Us Naval Reserve Station
- A.M.F. Experimental
- American Can Corporate
- American Tobacco
- Arnold Bakery
- Bryam School
- Canada Dry
- Cheeseborough Ponds
- Christ Church
- Connecticut Railway and Lighting. Company
- Cos Cob Powerhouse
- Ely School
- Greenwich Academy
- Greenwich Buick Dealer
- Greenwich Catholic Girls’ School
- Greenwich Christ Church
- Greenwich Country Day School
- Greenwich Fire Dept.
- Greenwich Hospital
- Greenwich Library
- Greenwich Pediatric Group
- Greenwich Sewage Treatment Plant
- Greenwich Union Trust
- Indian Harbor House
- Mccollough Chain Saw
- New Englander Hotel
- Old Greenwich Bank
- Riverside School
- St. Mary’s Parish
- US Tobacco Company
- Amax Center
- American Machine & Foundry Company
- Amtrack Power Station
- Avco
- Campus Office Building
- Chimbio Office
- Connecticut Iron Works
- Consolidated Diesel Elect Old
- Eight Glen Court Corporation
- Glenville School
- Greenwich Apartment Houses
- Greenwich C L & P
- Greenwich Catholic Grammar School
- Greenwich Country Club
- Greenwich Drinkwater
- Greenwich High School
- Greenwich Insurance Co.
- Greenwich Office Park
- Greenwich School
- Greenwich Telephone
- Humelite Factory
- Laurel Heights Country Club
- Moran Towing & Transportation
- North American Develpment
- Putnam Weaver
- St. Mary’s High School
- United Gas Imp.Company
- Victor Borg House
- Ambit Steel Corporation
- Avery Point Marine Biology
- Charles Pfizer & Company, Inc.
- Electric Boat Shipyard
- General Dynamics
- Groton Iron Works
- Groton Shipyard
- Groton Vocational Tech. School
- Groton-Fitch High School
- Hess Oil
- Pfizer Chemical
- Thames Insulation Company
- U.S. Naval Submarine Base
- Arwood Precision Casting
- Ballard Oil
- Coast Guard Academy Library
- First National Store
- Groton Fire Department
- Groton Post Office
- Groton Shopping Center
- Groton-Cutler Jr. High School
- Groton-Southwest Jr. High School
- Nautilus Sub-Eb
- Snetco
- U.S. Coast Guard Training Station
- Uconn Extension
- Ambassador Restaurant
- Centerville Elem School
- Farwest School
- Grand Union
- Hamden Hall Country Day School
- Hamden Jewish Synagogue
- Hamden Library
- Hamden Plaza Stores
- Margaret L. Keefe School
- Mount Carmel School
- New Haven Experimental Station
- Ridge Hill School
- Sears Roebuck
- Spring Glen School
- Stop & Shop
- Washington Avenue School
- Brock-Hale Dairy
- Detroit Steel
- First Federal Bank
- Hamden Elementary School
- Hamden High School
- Hamden Jr. High School
- Hamden Monastary
- Hamden Telephone-Whitney Ave.
- Lakewood Apartments
- Medina Filter
- New Haven Country Club
- Quinnipiac College
- Sacred Heart School
- Sleeping Giant High School
- St. Rita’s Convent
- Traveler’s Insurance
- Wintergreen School
- 1st Congregational Church
- Acands, Inc.
- Allen Manufacturing Company
- American Laundry
- Arrow Electric Company
- Austin Organs Inc.
- Baker, Smith Company
- Barridon Oil Burner Corporation
- Bellvue Housing
- Bishop Apartments
- Brainard Airport Tower
- Brainard Field Powerhouse
- Brown Thompson’s Restaurant
- Buckley High School
- Bushnell Plaza
- Caledonia Building
- Capewell Manufacturing
- Capitol Bank Building
- Carlisle Electrical
- Casual Corner
- Chancery Building
- Chaplin Box
- Charter Oak Terrace
- Chuck’s Steak House
- City Hall
- Clay Hill School
- Colt Firearms
- Colt’s Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing
- Columbia Brewing Company
- Connecticut Bank & Trust Company
- Connecticut Company
- Connecticut General Ins.-Building E
- Connecticut Light & Power Company
- Connecticut Milk Producers Assoc.
- Connecticut National Bank
- Connecticut Natural Gas
- Connecticut Res Rec Authority
- Connecticut Vending
- Consolidated Railway Company
- Constitution Plaza
- Defense Apparel
- Dunham Bush
- Dutch Point Power
- E E Meukes & Sons
- Edward Balf Company
- Firmcrete
- Fischbach-Natkin Building
- Fuller Brush Company
- G. Fox Power Plant
- Gam-Beck Building
- Gengas Auto
- Grammar School Park
- H & E Laundry-Charter Oak Ave
- Hamilton Standard
- Hansen-Whitney
- Hart School Of Music-“M” Building
- Hartford Amuet Building
- Hartford Bank-Franklin Ave.
- Hartford Boy’s Club
- Hartford Builders
- Hartford Catholic Cathedral
- Hartford City Club
- Hartford Club
- Hartford Corporate Center
- Hartford Department Of Health
- Hartford Electric Light Company
- Hartford Federal Building
- Hartford Fire Insurance
- Hartford Firehouse – Broad Street
- Hartford Firehouse – Franklin Street
- Hartford Firehouse – Sisson Avenue
- Hartford Freezer
- Hartford Garage
- Hartford Gold Building
- Hartford Hebrew Home For The Aged
- Hartford High School
- Hartford Hooker School
- Hartford Hospital Garage
- Hartford Insurance Company
- Hartford Juvenille Court
- Hartford Light and Power Company
- Hartford Mccook Hospital
- Hartford Middle School
- Hartford National Bank
- Hartford Oil Tanks
- Hartford Police Station
- Hartford Powerhouse
- Hartford Provision
- Hartford Public High School
- Hartford Rayon-Rayon Corporation
- Hartford Retail Office Building
- Hartford School-Barber Street
- Hartford Shelbourne Apartment
- Hartford State Lab
- Hartford Steam Boiler
- Hartford Steel Ball
- Hartford Television Station
- Hartford Town Hall
- Hartford Woman’s Hotel
- Hearthstone Restaurant
- Henry Wright Manufacturing
- Holiday Health Club
- Home Of Good Shepherd
- Hoods Dairy
- Hublein
- Institute For The Deaf
- Jai Alai
- Kelsey & Ferguson Brick Plant
- Kinsella School
- Korvettes Dept. Store
- Leppert-Nutmeg Inc.
- Limback Company
- M.J. Nay Gold Leaf Manufacturing
- Marshall House
- Mcdonald’s
- Meublein Inc.
- Mitchell House
- Morgan Street Public Siding
- Mount Sinai Hospital
- Municipal Building
- Naugatuck Chemical
- Neron Insulation
- New England Alloy Casting
- New Park Avenue School
- Newberrys Dept. Store
- Noel Webster School
- Northeast Utilities Office
- Northwest Middle School
- One Constitution Plaza
- Parkville Siding
- Phoenix Mutual Life Ins Company
- Pope Building
- Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
- Raff Corporation
- Reed & Greenwood
- Regent Hotel
- Resolute Insurance Co.
- Rockwell Stanley P Company
- Royal Typewriter
- Sage Allen-Hartford
- Sanitary Laundry Company
- Schaeffer Beer Distributory
- Sheraton Hotel
- Sloate Chevrolet
- Smith Towers
- Soceity For Savings
- South Catholic High School
- Southern New England Telephone Company
- Spencer Turbine
- St. Agnes’ Home
- St. Augustine Church
- St. Cyril & Metodius Convent
- St. George’s Church
- St. Joseph’s College
- St. Justin’s Church
- St. Mary’s Ukranian Church
- Stop & Shop
- Tarco Acmat Corporation
- Thomas Cadillac
- Towne House Motor Inn
- Travelers Educational Center
- Travelers Insurance Storage
- Traveler’s Plaza
- Trinity College
- Trinity College – Ferris Athletic Center
- Trinity College – Life Science Buiding
- Underwood Typewriter Plant
- United Aircraft
- United Technologies
- University of Hartford
- Valle’s Steak House
- Veteran’s Administration
- Wadsworth Antheneum
- Weaver High School
- Westinghouse
- Weyerhouse Lumber
- Windsor Street Public Siding
- A&B Boiler Repair
- Aetna Life Insurance Company
- American Airlines School
- Annie Fischer School
- Arrow-Hart and Hegeman Electric Company
- Avery Heights Hospital
- Barnard School
- Barron Square
- Billings and Spencer Company
- Bond Hotel
- Brainard Airport-Security
- Bryant and Chapman R. G. Miller and Sons
- Burnham School
- Calahan Valve Co.
- Caledonian Insurance
- Capital Ventilating Company
- Capo Manufacturing
- Carpenter Steel Company
- Cereal Products Company
- Channel 3 Television Station
- Charter Oak Housing
- Children’s Village
- Cigna
- City Place
- Colonial Theater
- Colt Industries
- Colts Skating Rink
- Connecticut Bank & Trust
- Connecticut Cleaners
- Connecticut Fire Brick Company
- Connecticut General-Old Building
- Connecticut Milk
- Connecticut Mutual Insurance
- Connecticut National Bank
- Connecticut Product Co.
- Connecticut State Library
- Consolidated Construction Office Building
- Consolidated Tobacco Warehouse
- Cripple Childrens Hospital
- Diplomat Hotel
- Dutch Point Housing
- Duth Ft Rousing Project
- Eagle Dye & Laundry
- Federal Office Building
- First National Store
- Fred Wish Elementary School
- G. Fox & Company
- G.F. Heublein & Brothers, Inc.
- General Electric Distributor
- Gold Bond Mattress Co.
- Grant’s Dept. Store
- Hall High School
- Hampshire Apartments
- Hart Manufacturing Co.
- Hartford Academy For Women
- Hartford Armory
- Hartford Baptist Church
- Hartford Buckley High School
- Hartford Capewell Apartments
- Hartford Chase Building
- Hartford Civic Center
- Hartford Commercial Plaza
- Hartford Courant
- Hartford Department Of Transportation
- Hartford Federal Bank
- Hartford Federal Court House
- Hartford Firehouse – Allen Street
- Hartford Firehouse – Clark & Wesson
- Hartford Firehouse – Park Street
- Hartford Fireman’s Hall
- Hartford Gambeck Building
- Hartford Gas Company
- Hartford Heating & Cooling Energy Plant
- Hartford High Rise Apartments
- Hartford Historical Society
- Hartford Hospital
- Hartford Housing Authority
- Hartford Jail
- Hartford Library
- Hartford Maintenance Building
- Hartford Medical Center
- Hartford Motel
- Hartford Office Building-Albany Ave
- Hartford Park Pumping Station
- Hartford Post Office
- Hartford Power-South Meadows Station
- Hartford Public Bath House
- Hartford Radio Station-Asylum Street
- Hartford Regional Market
- Hartford School System
- Hartford Sewage Treatment
- Hartford South Congregational Church
- Hartford State Tax Building
- Hartford Steam Company
- Hartford Superior Court
- Hartford Times
- Hartford Water Pollution
- Hartman Tobacco
- Helco Powerhouse
- Hilton Hotel
- Holiday Inn
- Homestead Insulation Company
- Hotel America
- Institute Of Living
- James L Howard and Company
- Kennedy’s Clothing
- Knights Of Columbus
- Labor Dept Building
- Lewis Batchelder School
- M. A. Feinberg
- Marden & Wasserman, Inc.
- Maxim Silencer
- Meadow Bowling Alley
- Michael Jeweler’s
- Mobil Oil
- Motts Supermarket-Albany Avenue
- Mt. Sinai Hospital
- National Fire Insurance Company
- Naylor School
- New Canoan High School
- New England Laundry
- New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company
- Nielson Tool Co.
- Northeast Insulation Warehouse
- Northwest Catholic High School
- Oak Hill School For Blind
- One Financial Plaza
- Phoenix Insur.-Woodland St.
- Pierce Buick
- Pope Park Bath House
- Prince Albert Tech. School
- Railroad Station
- Regency Apartments
- Republic Steel Corp
- Resource Recovery Systems
- Royal Mcbee Corporation
- Safeguard Insurance Co.
- Saint Francis Hospital
- Sanitary Paper Mill
- Sealtest Dairy
- Sigourney Tool
- Smith & Fezzeni
- Snetco.
- Sonesta Hotel
- South Meadow Station
- Speveri Brothers
- St. Anthony’s Church
- St. Augustine Convent
- St. Francis Hospital
- St. Joseph’s Cathedral
- St. Justin School
- St. Lutheran Church
- Statler Hotels
- Stowe Village
- The Stewart Company
- TJ Quirk Middle School
- Tracy Robinson & Williams Company
- Travelers Insurance Company
- Travelers Insurance-South Wing
- Traveler’s Print Shop
- Trinity College – Bowling Alley
- Trinity College – Library
- Underwood Elliott Fisher Company
- Union Drawn Steel Company
- United Bank-Pearl Street
- University of Connecticut
- Veeder Root
- Vulcan Radiator
- Waybest Poultry
- Weaver-Jones School
- Westminsters Church
- Whitney Chain
- Woodland School
- Allied Printing
- Bon Ami Company
- East Catholic High School
- Fountain Village Apartments
- Geer Brothers
- K-Mart-Manchester
- Manchester Bank
- Manchester Community Baptist Church
- Manchester Elderly Housing
- Manchester High School
- Manchester Housing Project
- Manchester Lithographers
- Manchester Middle School
- Manchester Sewage Plant
- Manchester Theater
- Popular Market
- Southern New England Telephone Company
- Bennett Jr. High School
- Cheney Brothers IncCheney Tech.
- First National Store
- Franklin Grammar School
- Illing School
- Manchester Armory
- Manchester Church
- Manchester Community College
- Manchester Elementary School
- Manchester Hospital
- Manchester Library
- Manchester Memorial Hospital
- Manchester Post Office
- Manchester Telephone
- Orford Soap Company
- Roger’s Corp
- C.N. Flagg & Company
- Cheeseborough Ponds
- Connecticut Breweries Company
- Cummings Shop
- Diplomat Apartments
- G.R. Cummings Company
- Holiday Inn
- J. M Delaney Company
- Kennedy School
- Meriden Apartments
- Meriden City Hall
- Meriden Elderly Housing
- Meriden Fire Station
- Meriden High School
- Meriden Housing Project
- Meriden Middle School
- Meriden Police Station/Town Hall
- Meriden Telephone
- Modern Plumbing & Heating
- Pratt & Whitney Fuel Cell
- Seppa School
- St. Joseph’s Church
- St. Sanislaus Church
- Undercliff State Hospital
- Water Filtration Plant
- Capital Theatre
- Claremont Company
- Cummings Insulation Company
- Cuno Engineering
- G. Fox & Co.
- Gaynor Tech
- International Silver Company
- J.C. Penney
- Maloney High School
- Meriden Armory
- Meriden Convalescent Hospital
- Meriden Elementary Shool
- Meriden Gas Light Company
- Meriden Home Bank
- Meriden Mall
- Meriden Moulded Plastics
- Meriden School For Boys
- Miller Industries
- Platt High School
- Read & Greenwood
- Seven-Up Bottling
- Souzio’s Cement Plant
- St. Rose Church & School
- Trumbull School
- Wallingford Hospital
- Wilcox Tech High School
- Atomic Energy Commission
- C.N. Flagg
- Connecticut Nuclear Laboratory
- First National Store
- Grand Union Shopping Center
- Hartford Research Center
- Long Lane School
- Mcdonough Elementary School
- Middlesex Hospital
- Middletown Disposal Plant
- Middletown Elementary School
- Middletown High School
- Middletown Housing
- Middletown Pollution Control
- Middletown Telephone Garage
- Nrg Energy Inc
- Raymond Engineering
- Riverside Housing Dvl
- Russell Manufacturing
- Snow Elementary School
- Vinal Tech. Regional School
- Weslyan University Apartments
- Weslyan University Dorms
- Weslyan University Library
- Weslyan University Science Lab
- Wilcox Crittenden
- Xavier High School
- Bechtel Corp Hartford Electric Light and Power Company
- Connecticut Light & Power Company
- Connecticut Valley Hospital
- Forensic Whiting Institute
- Hartford Electric Light Company
- Lawrence Elementary School
- Marino Plumbing & Heating
- Mercy High School
- Middletown Convalescant Home
- Middletown Electric Light Company
- Middletown Firehouse
- Middletown Home For The Elderly
- Middletown Meat Packing Plant
- Middletown Powerhouse
- North & Judd
- Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
- Remington Noiseless Typewriter Company
- Riverside Shopping Center
- Sears Roebuck
- Superior Court
- Weslyan University
- Weslyan University Dining Hall
- Weslyan University Fraternity
- Weslyan University Old Power Plant
- Weslyan University Skating Rink
- Wilson High School
- Bic Corporation
- Comfed Savings Bank
- Foran High School
- Holiday Inn
- Jai Alai-Milford
- Kay Avenue School
- Lennox School
- Live Oaks
- Mathewson Shool
- Milford Co-Op Laundry
- Milford Hospital
- Milford Lock & Specialty
- Milford Post Office
- Milford School-Plains Rd.
- Milford Sewage
- Nestle’s
- Orchard Hills School
- Pumpkin Delight School
- Schick Razor Co.
- Stop & Shop
- Valle’s Steak House
- Waterbury Lock
- Caldor’s
- First Federal Bank
- Gas Works-Ct. Nat’l Gas Co.
- Howard Johnson’s
- Jonathan-Law High School
- Kennedy School
- Lennox School
- Miles Laboratories
- Milford Grammar School
- Milford Laundry For Hospitals
- Milford Mall
- Milford Platt School
- Milford Pond Point School
- Milford Pumpkin Delight School
- Milford Sea Breeze School
- Milford Telephone
- Nike Site
- Owens-Illinois
- Robert Shaw Controls
- Seabreeze School
- US Motors
- Waldbaum’s
- Woodmont School
- A.M.F.-Montville
- Connecticut Light & Power Company
- Inland Paper Board
- Montville Jail
- Palmer Brothers Company
- Robertson Paper Box Company
- St. John School & Rectory
- United Nuclear Lab
- Aes Thames, Inc.
- Eastern Connecticut Power Company
- Montville High School
- Montville Powerhouse
- Robert Gair Company Inc.
- St. Bernard’s High School
- Thames River Specialties Company
- Alloy Boundaries
- Formatic Manufacturing
- Naugatuck Chemical Company
- Naugatuck Footwear
- Naugatuck Low Rent Housing
- Naugatuck Rubber
- Naugatuck Telephone
- Naugatuck Valley Mall
- Public Siding
- Rubber Regenerating Company
- Uniroyal, Inc
- US Rubber
- Whittemore Library
- Butterfield Manufacturing
- Goodyear Metalic Rubber Shoe Company
- Naugatuck Connecticut Light & Power
- Naugatuck High School
- Naugatuck Malleable Iron Company
- Naugatuck School
- Naugatuck Town Hall
- Peter Paul Candy
- Risdon Manufacturing
- St. Hedwig Church
- United States Rubber Company
- US Rubber Powerhouse
- YMCA Naugatuck
New Britain
- B C Goodwin Tech
- Battison’s Cleaners
- Central Connecticut State
- Computer Parts Company
- Convalescent Home
- Curtis St. Boiler Room
- Finast Super Store
- Goodwin Tech School
- Holy Cross School
- Kolpak Inc
- Metallurgical Processing
- New Britain Apartments-Walnut Street
- New Britain Court House
- New Britain Herald
- New Britain High School
- New Britain Housing
- New Britain Library
- New Britain Machine Company
- New Britain Police Dept.
- New Britain School-Stanley Street
- New Britain Town Hall
- New Britain Trust Company
- Nike Site New Britain
- Post Office
- Pulaski Middle School
- St. Ann’s
- St. Mary’s Ukranian Church
- Stanley Rule and Level Company
- Union Manufacturing Company
- Barrett Mutual Savings
- Central Conn State Company
- Central State Teachers College
- Connecticut Metal and Chemical Company
- Cremo Brewing Company
- Fafnir Bearing Company
- General Electric Company
- Holmes School
- Housing Authority (City of New Britain)
- Landers, Frary and Clark
- Nathan Hale School
- New Britain Boy’s Club
- New Britain General Hospital
- New Britain High Rise Apartments
- New Britain Hotel
- New Britain Incinerator
- New Britain Machine
- New Britain Medical Center
- New Britain Rubber
- New Britain Telelphone
- New Britain Trade School
- New Britain Water Treatment Plant
- North and Judd Manufacturing Company
- Pulaski High School
- Slade Jr. High School
- St. Lawrence O’toole Church
- St. Serro’s Church
- Stanley Tool Works
- Vulcan Iron Works
New Canaan
- 7th Day Adventist Hospital
- New Canaan Convalescant Home
- New Canaan Elementary School
- New Canaan Library
- New Canaan Sheet Metal
- St. Mark’s Church
- National Guard
- New Canaan Country Day School
- New Canaan High School
- New Canaan Monastary-Byzantine
- New Canaan Library
- New Canaan Town Hall
- West School
New Haven
- A.C. Gilbert
- Acme Wire Company
- Albie Booth Boys Club
- Amarante’s Restaurant
- American Felt Company
- Arco Oil Tank Farm
- Armstrong Rubber
- Babcock And Wilcox Company
- Bassett School
- Berkshire Ice Company
- Bigelow Boiler Company
- Blue Cross New Haven
- Brookside Housing
- Bushnell and Moorehouse
- C.W. Blakeslee and Sons
- Casey’s Restaurant
- Chapel Square Mall
- Child’s Restaurant
- College Plaza Stores
- Connecticut Bank-Church Street
- Connecticut Pulp & Board
- Connecticut Savings Bank
- Conrailk
- Consolidated Laundry
- Cross High School
- Dextone Corporation
- East Rock School
- Eli Whitney Trade School
- English Station Powerhouse
- Exxon Oil Tank Farms
- Fair Haven Jr. High School
- First National Store
- Fitkin Clinical Lab
- Fountain Apartments
- G.L. Gray Sheetmetal Works
- Geometric Tool
- Goffe Street School
- Grace New Haven Hospital
- Greist Manufacturing Company
- Gypsum Plant
- Hallock’s Dept. Store
- Hess Oil
- Hillhouse High School
- Hooker School
- Hospital Of St. Raphael
- Housing Authority (City of New Haven)
- Ideal Plumbing & Heating
- Interstate Container Corp
- Josephine Apartments
- Kline Geology Lab
- Knudsen Dairy-Cheese Factory
- Linde Air Products Company
- Macy’s Department Store
- Marco American
- Mcconaughy Terrace
- Merritt W. Burwell
- Monarch Laundry
- N.E. Transportation Co.
- National Folding Box and Paper Company
- National Plumbing & Heating
- New Haven Animal Hospital
- New Haven Bus Company
- New Haven Coast Guard Station
- New Haven Coliseum
- New Haven Community Bank & Trust
- New Haven County Jail
- New Haven Day Care Center
- New Haven Elderly Highrise – Park St.
- New Haven Executive Aptartments
- New Haven Fire Department
- New Haven Gas Light Company
- New Haven Hill K-4 School
- New Haven Housing – Ashman St
- New Haven Housing – Orchard Street
- New Haven Incinerator
- New Haven Jewish Synagogue
- New Haven Library
- New Haven Mental Health Center
- New Haven Oceanograph
- New Haven Park Plaza Hotel
- New Haven Post Office-Brewery Street
- New Haven Powerhouse
- New Haven Pulp & Board Company
- New Haven Railroad Yard
- New Haven Rolling Mill Company
- New Haven School-Ivy Street
- New Haven Sewage Disposal
- New Haven Superior Court
- New Haven Telephone
- New Haven Trade Union Plaza
- New Haven Unemployment Office
- New Havens Hotel Company
- Newhall St. School
- Olin Battery Shop
- Olin Mathieson Chemical
- Paier School Of Art
- Peck Brothers and Company
- Perri Sausage
- Pond Lily Company
- Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
- Quinnipiac Club
- Quinnipiac School
- Rockbestos
- Roger Sherman School
- Safety Car Factory
- Sargent Lock
- Seamless Rubber Company
- Sheridan Middle School
- SNET-College Street
- Southern Connecticut State College
- Southern New England Telephone Company (SNET)
- Sperry Engineering Company
- St. Bernadette’s Convent
- St. Francis Orphanage
- St. Michael’s Convent
- St. Peter’s Church Convent
- Star Supply Company
- Sterling School of Medicine
- T.A.D. Jones-Boiler Room
- Teletrack
- Texaco Co.
- Tomlinson Asbestos Company
- Troop School
- United Illuminating
- United States Steel Corp
- University Of New Haven
- Upjohn Company
- Walken Company
- Weibel Brewing Company
- Weller Funeral Home
- William Bresdan
- Winchester School
- Wire Machinery Of America
- Woosley Hall
- Wyatt Oil
- Yale Art & Architecture Building
- Yale Art Restoration
- Yale Brady Laboratory
- Yale Epidemiology Building
- Yale Forestry Building
- Yale Health Services
- Yale Hockey Rink
- Yale Kline Biology Building
- Yale Library
- Yale Mental Health Center
- Yale New Haven Hospital
- Yale Power Plant
- Yale Power Plant – Grove Street
- Yale Power Plant – Tower Parkway
- Yale Rare Book Library
- Yale Sterling Lab
- Yale Tire and Rubber Company
- Yale University
- YMCA New Haven
- A.J. Mongillo Inc.
- Albertus Magnus College
- Aluminum Smelters Inc
- American Cyanamid
- American Steel & Wire
- Arena Centerfreeze Company
- B. Shoninger Company
- Barbieri Insurance
- Berger Brothers
- Betsey Ross School
- Bigelow Co.
- B’nai Israel
- Buckingham Routh
- C. Coles Manufacturing
- Casanova Apartments
- Cerro Wire
- Charles A. Wimpfheimier and Brothers
- Clinton Ave. School
- Commercial High School
- Connecticut Coke Company
- Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority Transfer Station
- Connecticut Superior Court
- Consolidated Candy
- Crown Towers
- E.I. Real Estate
- Edward Malley Co.
- English Station
- Everybody’s Supermarket
- Fair Haven High School
- First National Bank
- First Presbyterian
- Fort Hale Navy Reserve Base
- Fusco
- Gant Shirts
- Gibbs Lab
- Goodwill Store-State St.
- Grand Ave Station
- Gulf Oil Station
- H.B. Smith Company-River Street
- Hartford Railroad
- Highland Heigts School
- Holiday Inn
- Hopkins Grammar School
- Hotel Taft
- Hull Brewery
- Illuminating Company
- James V. Ursini Company
- K Of C Printing Press
- Knights Of Columbus
- La Crepe Restaurant
- M. Seward and Sons Company
- Madison Towers
- Maxim Munitions Corp
- Melebus Club
- Mobil Oil
- Morris T. School
- Nathan Hale Motel
- National Gypsum Company
- New Haven Agricultural Station
- New Haven Armory-Orange St.
- New Haven Central Service Building
- New Haven Cold Storage
- New Haven Colonial Bank-State Street
- New Haven Convalescant Hospital
- New Haven Court House
- New Haven East Shore Sewage Plant
- New Haven Electric Company
- New Haven Federal Building
- New Haven Fire Station #5
- New Haven Gas Works
- New Haven Hospital
- New Haven Housing – Dixwell Av
- New Haven Housing Project
- New Haven Iron and Steel Company
- New Haven Lee High School
- New Haven Medical Building
- New Haven Neighborhood School Of Music
- New Haven Old Car Barn
- New Haven Police Station
- New Haven Power Plant
- New Haven Public Health Building
- New Haven Railroad Office Building
- New Haven Register
- New Haven Savings Bank
- New Haven Senior Citizen Housing
- New Haven Silk Mills
- New Haven Teamster’s Building
- New Haven Town Hall
- New Haven Trap Rock Garage
- New Haven Union Trust-Church Street
- New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad
- Nonpareil Laundry Company
- Olin Corporation
- Oreanoke Apartments
- Peabody Museum
- Pegnataro’s
- Plasticrete Corp
- Pond Lily Motel
- Prince Albert Apartments
- Quinnipiac Energy Llc
- Rip Van Winkle Motel
- Rockview Housing
- Rose Street Powerhouse
- Sargent Building
- Seamless Rubber
- Semon Ice Cream Company
- Simeone Baldwin School
- South Central Community College
- Southern Connecticut State University
- Souzio’s Cement Plant
- St. Aedan’s School & Church
- St. Boniface
- St. Mary’s School
- St. Paul’s
- St. Rose
- Sterling Powerhouse
- Strong Street School
- Taft Hotel
- Temple Medical Center
- The Hoyt Grant Company
- Trinity Church
- United Church Of Christ
- United Printing Services
- University Of Library
- University Towers
- Us Government General Hospital #16
- Water Treatment – Lake Saltonstall
- Welch Annex School
- Whalley Theater
- Winchester Firearms
- Wintergarden Apartments
- Wire Rope
- Wooster Square School
- Yale Animal Hospital
- Yale Art Gallery
- Yale Arthur Wright Nuclear Struc
- Yale Calhoun College
- Yale Ezra Stiles College
- Yale Geology Building
- Yale High Intensity Proton Linear Accelerator
- Yale Hospital
- Yale Law School
- Yale Medical School
- Yale Nathan Hale House
- Yale Nuclear Lab
- Yale Power Plant – Congress Ave.
- Yale Power Plant – Satchem St.
- Yale Powerhouse-Ashman Street
- Yale Research Lab
- Yale Tandem Accelerator
- Yale Tunnels
- Yale University – Boiler Room
New London
- Babcock Printing Press Manufacturing Company
- Brown Cotton Gin Company
- C D Boss and Son
- Coast Guard Academy Chiet Club
- Coast Guard Academy Field House
- Coast Guard Academy Maintenance Building
- Coast Guard Academy Yearton Hall
- Connecticut Power Company
- Fort Trumble Underwater Sound Lab
- Golart Motors
- Lawrence & Memorial Hospital
- Mitchell College-Science Building
- National Guard Armory
- New England Engineering Company
- New London Court House
- New London Elderly Housing
- New London Fine Arts Building
- New London High School
- New London Railroad Bridge
- New London St Railway Company
- New London Synagogue
- New London Veterinarian Hospital
- R T Palmer Company
- Shraffts Hotel
- Thames Plaza
- U.S. Coast Guard Acadamy
- Undersea Warfare & Research Lab
- Whiton Machine
- Baptist Church
- Bureau of Yards and Docks
- Coast Guard Academy
- Coast Guard Academy Dormotories
- Coast Guard Academy Infirmary
- Coast Guard Academy Roland Hall
- Connecticut College
- Eastern Ship Building Company
- General Electric Company
- Grotin and Stonington St. Railway Company
- Mitchell College
- Mohigan Hotel
- Naval Undersea Warfare Center
- New London Brewing
- New London Day
- New London Elementary School
- New London Gas and Electric Company
- New London Mills
- New London Sewage Disposal
- New London State Pier
- New London Telephone
- Oneco Manufacturing Company
- Sheffield Tube Co.
- State Garage
- Thames Shipyard
- U.S. Naval Submarine Base
- Underwater Ordinance
- Winthrop Ice Company
New Milford
- Board of Education
- Conweb Manufacturing Shop
- Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- New Milford High School
- New Milford Paper Manufacturing
- New Milford School
- Scovill Manufacturing Company
- Connecticut Power & Light Company
- Jack W. Straub Inc
- Nestle Company Inc.
- New Milford Hospital
- New Milford Post Office
- New Milford Telephone
- Battison’s Cleaners
- Cripple Childrens Hospital
- Holochrome
- Newington Children’s Hospital
- Newington Firehouse
- Newington High School
- Newington Housing-Marion Street
- Newington Post Office
- Newington Telephone
- Northeast Utilities Office
- Whitlock Coil
- Cedar Crest Hospital
- Fenn Manufacturing
- Kenney Manufacturing Co.
- Newington Elementary School
- Newington Grammar School
- Newington Hospital
- Newington Kellogg Middle School
- Newington School
- Newington Veteran’s Hospital
- Two Guys Department Store
North Haven
- AB King Steel
- Atlantic Steel
- Burndy’s
- Circuit Wise
- Defelice Office
- Humphrey Chemical
- North Haven High School
- Plasticrete Block & Supply
- Sound Scriber Sales Corp
- Upjohn Chemical
- American Powdered Metals
- Burndy Corp
- Carwin Co. A/K/A Upjohn
- Defco Industrial Park
- Howard Johnson’s
- Marlin Firearms
- North Haven Medical Building
- Pratt & Whitney
- Stop & Shop
- Albany Products
- Automatic Signal
- Bryan Mcmann School
- Caldor’s
- Clover Dairy
- Connecticut Light & Power Company
- Eli Housing Project
- Howard Johnson’s
- King Organic Chemicals Inc
- Marinack School
- New England Engineering Company
- Norden Systems
- Norwalk Board Of Education
- Norwalk Convent
- Norwalk Elderly Housing
- Norwalk Gas Co.
- Norwalk Hat Company
- Norwalk Hospital
- Norwalk Jewish Center
- Norwalk Novitiate
- Norwalk Powdered Metals Inc
- Norwalk Powerhouse Garage
- Norwalk Sewage
- Norwalk Toll Plaza
- Pepperidge Farms
- Post Secondary Tech
- Remington Rand
- US Navy – Norwalk Fuel Distribution Station
- West Rocks Junior High School
- Alvin Sayre
- Board of Education
- Burndy’s
- Central Kitchen
- Columbus Elementary School
- De Fonce Construction Company
- Goodyear
- King Industries
- Manhattan Terrazzo
- Nelson Fabricating Company
- Nordans
- Norwalk and South Norwalk Electric Light Company
- Norwalk Catholic High School
- Norwalk Country Club
- Norwalk Elementary School
- Norwalk General Hospital
- Norwalk High School
- Norwalk Housing
- Norwalk Mall
- Norwalk Post Office
- Norwalk Powerhouse
- Norwalk School
- Norwalk Tire
- Peabody Engineering
- Plaza (Shopping Center)
- Recycling Plant (Dump)
- Stop & Shop
- Vanderbilt Chemical
- Wolf Pit School
- American Thermos
- Backus Hospital
- Falls Company
- Govenor Francis Farms
- Hall Brothers
- Kelly Jr. High School
- Norwich Bank
- Norwich Dye Works
- Norwich High School
- Norwich Housing Project
- Norwich Mental Hospital
- Norwich State Hospital
- Oak Knoll Housing Project
- Phelps Dodge Wiremold
- Sheltering Arms Conv. Home
- Thames Valley Tech
- United Nuclear Tech.
- West Norwich Middle School
- American Woolen Company, Inc.
- City of Norwich Gas and Electric Gas
- General Motors
- Grant’s Shopping Mall
- J.B. Martin Company
- Norwich Armory
- Norwich Bulletin
- Norwich Gas and Electric Company
- Norwich Hospital
- Norwich Lock Manufacturing Company
- Norwich School
- Norwich State School
- Oakwood Knoll School
- Sawyer Displays Fka American Wool Co.
- Southern New England Telephone Company (SNET)
- U.S. Finishing Company
- Us Finishing Co
- Foundation School
- New England Oven & Furnace
- Orange High School
- Orange Telephone
- Plains Hill School
- Stop & Shop
- Johnson Service
- Orange Elementary School
- Orange Shopping Mall
- Orange Town Hall
- Showcase Cinema
- Boehler Metal Furniture Company
- National Manufacturing Corporation
- Plainfield Fish Hatchery
- Plainfield Plastics
- Plastic Film Corp
- St. Anthony’s School
- Lawton Mills Corp
- Pervel Industries
- Plainfield Mills Corp
- Plainfield Trade School
- Royalmetal Corporation
- American Optical
- International Paper
- Priority Finishing
- Putnam Elderly Housing
- Putnam Housing
- Putnam Post Office
- Day Kimball Hospital
- Nicholson File Co.
- Putnam Court House
- Putnam High School
- Putnam National Bank
- Putnam State Garage
- Amerbelle Corporation
- First National Store
- Hockanum Mills Company
- Rockville Bowling Alley-Rte. 83
- Rockville Gas Station
- Rockville Hospital
- Rockville Sewage Plant
- Rockville Worsteel Company
- Shepherd Tobacco Co.
- Warren Gottier Plumbing
- Wooden Goods
- American Cyanamid
- Garcia Fishing Line Manufacturer
- James J Regan Manufacturing Company
- Rockville Elderly Housing
- Rockville High School
- Rockville Post Office
- Rockville Shopping Plaza
- Scranton Motors
- Springville Manufacturing Company
- White Manufacturing Company
Rocky Hill
- Algonquin Gas
- Connecticut Natural Gas
- Griswald Jr High
- Hartford Rayon
- Pratt & Whitney
- Rocky Hill Gas Tank
- Rocky Hill Jr. High School
- Ames Department Store
- First National Store
- Hartford National Bank
- Philips Oil Line
- Ramada Inn
- Rocky Hill High School
- Rocky Hill Sewage Plant
- American Chain & Cable
- Conn Light & Power Company
- Goodrich Sponge Rubber Company
- Laurel Heights Hospital
- Philips Medical Center
- Shelton B.F. Goodrich
- Shelton Firehouse
- Shelton High School
- Shelton Post Office
- Shelton Shopping Mall
- Sikorsky Aircraft
- Sponge Rubber
- B.F. Goodrich
- Derby Gas & Electric Company
- Kreuger Store
- Nelson Machine
- S.O. and C. Company
- Shelton Cheeseborough Ponds
- Shelton Gas Works
- Shelton I.T.T. Research Park
- Shelton School
- Sidney Blumenthal & Company Inc
- South River Spinning Company
- United Illuminating Building
- Ensign Bickford Co.
- First National Store
- Henry James Memorial School
- Simsbury Elementary School
- Simsbury Jr. High School
- Simsbury Town Hall
- Ethel Walker School
- Hartford Insurance Group-Computer Ctr
- Simsbury Convalescent Home
- Simsbury High School
- Simsbury Sewer Plant
- Arrow Heat
- Everybody’s Super Market
- Howard Johnson’s
- Southington High School
- Southington Post Office
- Southington Town Hall
- Bradley Hospital
- Holcomb School
- Pratt & Whitney
- Southington Hospital
- Southington Sewage Disposal
- St. Thomas School
- Agudath Sholom
- American Cyanamid Company
- Atlas Powder Company
- Barnes Engineering
- Benrus Watch
- Board of Education
- Bridgestone Firestone
- Caldor’s
- Cheeseborough Ponds
- City News
- Cloonan School (Aka Woodside)
- Coca-Cola
- Combustion Engineering
- Connecticut Power & Light
- Continental Oil
- Davenport Ridge Elementary School
- F.D. Rich Building-Summer St.
- First Stamford Place
- Friendship Housing
- General Reassurance Company
- Grade A Market
- Hilco
- Homestead Convalescent Hospital
- King Academy
- Knights Of Columbus
- Long Ridge School
- Luders Marine Construction
- Marriott Hotel
- McDonald’s
- Merritt Office Building
- Ms Dolan School
- New Hope Apartments
- North Street Housing
- Olin Corporation
- Oliver Inc
- Petroleum Heat & Power Company
- Polymer Fabrics
- Richards & Company
- Rippowam High School
- Roger Smith Hotel
- Schweppes
- St. Ann’s Church
- St. John’s Towers
- St. Jude Hospital
- St. Mary’s Hospital
- Stamford Animal Hospital
- Stamford Brands
- Stamford Champion Building
- Stamford Court Building
- Stamford Elementary School
- Stamford Garage
- Stamford Gas Company
- Stamford High Rise Apartment
- Stamford Hospital
- Stamford Italian Center
- Stamford Mall
- Stamford Motor Vehicle Dept.
- Stamford Railroad Station
- Stamford Rehabilatation Center
- Stamford Sanitation Control
- Stamford Sewage
- Stamford Telephone
- Stamford Town Hall
- Stamford Turn Of The River School
- Stamford Welfare Department
- State National Bank
- Stop & Shop
- Teleregister Corporation
- Toquam Elementary School
- Triex Office Building
- Union Carbide
- Us Surgical Co.
- Villa Marie
- Westover School
- Woodside Junior High School
- Xerox Building
- Alac Building
- American Incinerator Corp
- Audio Tape
- Bell Town Firehouse
- Blickensderfer Manufacturing Company
- Bonjournos Market
- Caldor Department Store
- Capitol Records
- Chemical Process Co.
- Clairol
- Coats & Clark
- Color Graph
- Conde Nast
- Consone’s Bakery
- Crown Construction
- Dorr Oliver, Inc.
- Firestone
- Fox Run School
- General Electric Credit Building
- General Time Building
- High Ridge Park
- Hilton Hotel
- Industrial Laundry
- Kings Highway Elem School
- Leggett Warehouse
- Lord & Taylor
- Macy’s Department Store
- Mccall’s
- Mellaw Corporation
- Moore Mccormack Lines, Inc
- New Englander Hotel
- Newfield Elementary School
- Northeast School
- Olin Mathieson Corp
- Peabody Engineering Corporation
- Pitney Bowes
- Rayathon & Macklet Labs
- Richards & Jessup
- River Bank School
- Rosemary Hall Academy
- Sheraton Hotel
- St. Bridget’s Catholic Church
- St. Joseph’s Hospital Stamford
- St. Mary’s Church
- Stafford Jr. High School
- Stamford Apartments-High Ridge Road
- Stamford Center Firehouse-Elm Street
- Stamford Convalescent Home
- Stamford Elderly Housing
- Stamford Firehouse-Turn Of The River
- Stamford Gas and Electric Company
- Stamford Generating Station
- Stamford High School
- Stamford Housing
- Stamford Library
- Stamford Missile Station
- Stamford Powerhouse
- Stamford Recycling Plant (City Dump)
- Stamford Rogers School
- Stamford School-Turn Of The River
- Stamford Synagogue-Beferson Rd.
- Stamford Teleregister Corporation
- Stamford Turn Of The River Housing
- Stamford Universalist Church
- Star Of The Sea School
- Stolwerck Brothers
- Strawberry Hill Apartments
- Time & Life
- Town And Country Shopping Ctr
- Uconn Extension
- United Church
- Us Time Corp
- Washington Building
- Winthrop Labs
- Wright Tech. School
- First National Store
- Storrs Town Hall
- Uconn
- Uconn Boiler Room
- Uconn Cow Barn
- Uconn Dormitories
- Uconn Engineering Building
- Uconn Graduate Library
- Uconn Incinerator
- Uconn Post Grad Dorm
- Uconn School Of Pharmacy
- Uconn Science Building
- Uconn Steam Pit
- Uconn Tunnels
- Uconn Vocational Agricultural Center
- Storrs Telephone Relay
- Storrs-E.O.Smith School
- Uconn Beech Hall
- Uconn Boiler Room
- Uconn Chicken Building
- Uconn Dining Hall
- Uconn Engineering Building
- Uconn General
- Uconn Gym
- Uconn Library
- Uconn Powerhouse
- Uconn School Of Science & Math
- Uconn Science Building
- Uconn Theatre
- Uconn Twin Towers Dorm
- A. Bedell Benjamin
- Avco Manufacturing
- Bunnell High School
- Chemical Company
- Detroit Controls
- Flood School
- L R Metal Treating
- Manning, Maxwell and Moore, Inc
- Mobil Chemical
- Paradise Green Golf Course
- Raybestos-Manhattan / Raymark Industries
- Remington Firearms
- Shakespeare Theater
- Stratford Armory
- Stratford Convalescant Home
- Stratford Hotel
- Stratford Police Station
- Stratford Town Garage
- Tilo Roofing
- Valle’s Steak House
- Avco Lycoming
- Borden’s
- Charles A Lampard Company
- Contract Plating Company Inc
- Dressler Valve and Instrument Div
- Fruege Shopping Center
- Howard Johnson’s
- Lordship School
- Mermaid Tavern Motel
- Ohio Rubber
- Patterson Steel & Forge Company
- Red Coach Grill
- Savoy Laundry Inc
- Sikorsky Aircraft
- Stratford Bowling Alleys
- Stratford High School
- Stratford Housing
- Stratford Sewage
- Sunoco Oil
- Tilo Roofing Company
- Weir Chemical
- American Brass Company
- Asphalt Plant
- Burrows Corporation
- Excelsior Needle Company
- Forbes School
- Hartford National Bank
- New Research Building
- St. Peter’s Church & School
- Torrington Co.
- Torrington Hospital
- Torrington Manufacturing Company
- Torrington Savings Bank
- Turner and Seymour Manufacturing Company
- Union Hardware
- American Company
- Belfast Mesh Underwear Company
- Charlotte Hungerford Hospital
- Fitzgerald Manufacturing Co.
- General Motors
- Hendey Machine Company
- St. Mary’s School
- St. Peter’s Church & School
- Torrington Brass
- Torrington High School
- Torrington Knitting Mills
- Torrington Power
- Torrington School
- Uconn Extension
- Antique Auto Restoration
- Christ The King Church
- Industrial Park
- Nichols Jr. High School
- St. Joseph Manor
- Trumbull High School
- Trumbull School
- Trumbull Town Hall
- Unionville Myrtle Mills
- Bunker Ramo
- Hillenest Jr. High School
- Mullin’s Funeral Home
- St. Joseph High School
- St. Theresa’s Church
- Trumbull Library
- Trumbull Shopping Mall
- Uncasville Uncasville Hospital
- American Cyanamid
- American Pyramid
- Choate High School
- Colonial Bank
- Delvecchia & Sons
- Glass Industries Company
- Grant’s Dept. Store
- International Silver Company
- Mallinckrod
- Masonic Hospital
- Pratt & Whitney
- Simpson School
- Stop & Shop
- Time Wire & Cable
- Wallingford Elementary School
- Wallingford Jr High School
- Wallingford Police Station
- Wallingford Powerhouse
- Whitelsey Ave. School
- Yalesville School
- American Eyelet Co.
- Boehles Express
- City of Wallingford Power Plant
- Colony Street School
- Gaylord Hospital
- Grand Union
- International Silver
- Lyman Hall High School
- Masonic Home
- Masonic Hospital
- Pierce Generating Station
- R. Wallace and Sons Manufacturing Company
- Stanley Judds, Cherry Street
- Thompson’s Candy
- Wallingford Church
- Wallingford High School
- Wallingford Manufacturing Company
- Wallingford Post Office
- Wallingford Steel Company
- Yale Motor Inn
- American Brass Company
- Anaconda Metal Hose
- Anderson School
- Armour Building
- Barlow Brothers
- Berkely Heights Housing
- Blessed Sacrament School
- Bunker Hill School
- Carelton Apartments
- Chase Rolling Mill Company
- Christ Church-Sr. Citizens Housing
- Colonial Bank
- Congregational Church
- Connecticut Light & Power
- Crosby High School
- Dimes Savings Bank
- East Farms School
- Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center
- First National Store
- General Insulation Distributor
- Hayden Switch
- Holmes Booth and Haydens
- Housatonic Power Company
- J.E. Smith
- Kennecott Copper Company
- Knights Of Columbus
- Long Hill Community House
- Marn Plumbing & Heating
- Mcdermid Chemical
- National Guard Armory
- New England Engineering Company
- O & G Asphalt Company
- Plastic-Glide
- Randolph Clowes Company
- Sacred Heart Rectory
- Sealtest Dairy
- Sendzimir Manufacturing Somers Brass
- St. Ann’s School
- St. Louis French Church
- St. Margaret’s School
- St. Mary’s School
- St. Thomas Church
- Taft College
- Uniroyal
- Vickers Manufacturing
- Waterbury Brass Co.
- Waterbury Button Shop
- Waterbury Court House
- Waterbury Elementary School
- Waterbury First Congregational Church
- Waterbury High School
- Waterbury Housing Project
- Waterbury Mill
- Waterbury News
- Waterbury Post Office
- Waterbury Republican
- Waterbury Savings Bank
- Waterbury State Tech High School
- Waterbury Town Hall
- Waterbury Treatment Plant
- Westview Apartments
- Wilbey High School
- Woolworths
- American Cyanamid
- Anaconda Offices
- Apothecary Hall Co.
- B.F. Shaw
- Benedict and Burnham Manufacturing Company
- Berkliff Corp
- Bradlees
- Caldor’s
- Chase Brass & Copper Company
- Chase School
- Cly-Del Manufacturing Co.
- Colonial Plaza
- Conn & Rhode Island Lines Inc
- Connecticut Railway and Lighting Company
- Curtis Manufacturing
- East End High School
- East Mountain School
- Elton Hotel
- G. Fox & Co.
- Grant’s Dept. Store
- Heritage House
- Holy Cross High School
- Hubbard Hall Chemical
- Jordan Marsh Dept. Store
- Kingsbury School
- Lea Manufacturing
- M.J. Daly & Sons
- Mattatuck Community College
- Mt. Carmel School & Rectory
- Naugatuck Chemical
- North End School
- Our Lady Of Fatima
- Police Station
- Raymond Bakery
- Scovill Manufacturing Company
- Sears Roebuck
- St. Anne’s Church
- St. Francis Xavier
- St. Lucy Church
- St. Mary’s Hospital
- St. Peter’s Church & School
- Stop & Shop Waterbury
- True Love & Maclean
- United Illuminating Garage
- Waterbury Bank
- Waterbury Buckle Co.
- Waterbury Clock Company
- Waterbury Elderly Housing
- Waterbury Field Towers Apartments
- Waterbury Gas Light Company
- Waterbury Hospital
- Waterbury Library
- Waterbury Municipal Refuse
- Waterbury Office Building
- Waterbury Powerhouse
- Waterbury Rolling Mills
- Waterbury Snet Co
- Waterbury Times Building
- Waterbury Trade School
- Waterbury Water Line
- Wheeler Wire
- Wilson Grammar School
- Princeton Knitting Mills
- St. John’s Church
- Watertown Elementary School
- Watertown Jr. High School
- Watertown Pikquik Grocery Store
- Watertown-Fletcher Judson School
- Scoville Fasteners
- Watertown Bank
- Watertown High School
- Watertown Library
- Watertown Technical School
West Hartford
- Alcott School
- Bishop Corner Mall
- Conard High School
- Connecticut Historical Soceity
- Elderly Housing
- Fabricating Shop
- Gengras Center
- Hartford Fire Insurance
- Holy Family House
- J.C. Penney
- Metacomet School
- Mount St. Joseph Academy
- Pratt & Whitney West Hartford
- Sedgewick Middle School
- Sisters of Saint Joseph
- St. Jame’s Churc
- St. Timothy’s School
- Telephone Company
- Uconn Law School
- US Army Reserve Station
- West Hartford Apt-Farmington Avenue
- West Hartford Charter Oak School
- West Hartford Convalescant Home
- West Hartford Health Care Center
- West Hartford Housing Project
- West Hartford Meat Market
- West Hartford Shopping Ctr-Farm. Ave.
- West Hartford Town Hall
- Westfarms Mall
- Wiremold
- American School For Deaf
- Church of St Helena
- Connecticut General Ins.-New Building
- Cushman Chuck
- Elmwood Jr. High School
- First National Store
- Grody Cheverolet
- Hartford Golf Club
- Insulation Company
- Lincoln Dairy
- Morley School
- N.W. Catholic High School
- Sears Roebuck
- Seth Haley School
- Smith Elementary School
- St. Mary’s Home
- Stop & Shop
- The Insulation Co. Shop
- University of Hartford
- West Hartford Apt Building
- West Hartford Armory
- West Hartford Church
- West Hartford Elderly Housing
- West Hartford Holy Monistary
- West Hartford Jewish Community Center
- West Hartford Sewage Plant
- West Hartford Soceity For Savings
- Westbourne Parkway-Building
- Westminster Church
West Haven
- Armstrong Tire
- Carrigan Middle School
- First Ave. School
- Fuller Merriam Company
- Harry Whalen Jr. High
- Malloy School
- Miles Laboratories Inc
- Phyliss’ Restaurant
- Sears Warehouse
- Soundview Convalescant Home
- St. Louis Catholic High School
- Thermal Acoustics, Inc.
- Washington Elementary School
- West Haven Apartment House
- West Haven Court House
- West Haven Housing
- West Haven Labor Hall
- West Haven Pump Station
- West Haven School
- West Haven Town Hall
- West Walk-Edgewater Towers
- Bradlees
- Enthone Co.
- First National Store
- Harborview Apartments
- Lady Of Victory Church
- Meckville School
- Nike Site West Haven
- Richardson Merrill Corporation
- Seth Haley School
- St. John Vinamy
- Surfside Apartments
- Union School
- Weble Brewing Company
- West Haven Carrigan Jr. High School
- West Haven High School
- West Haven Incinerator
- West Haven Police Station
- West Haven Resource Control
- West Haven Sewage
- West Haven Union School
- Assumption Church
- Base Street Offices
- Coley Town Jr. High School
- First National Store
- Kleins Department Store
- New Englander Hotel
- Staples High School
- Westport Convent
- Westport Library
- Westport Methodist Church
- Westport Republican Headquarters
- Westport State Garage
- YMCA Westport
- Avon Products
- Bay State Building
- Colonial Green Bank
- International Traders
- Mechanics Bank
- Saugatuck Elementary School
- Stauffer Chemical
- Westport Greenfarm Elementary School
- Westport Long Lots Jr. High School
- Westport Professional Building
- Westport Sewage Plant
- Wright Street Office Building
- AC&S Warehouse
- American Enka Corporation
- American Thread
- Charles Wright School
- Corpus Christy
- Eastern Connecticut State College
- Fuller School
- Hammer School
- Hess Oil
- Howard Johnson’s
- Kendall Corporation
- Laughlin Wire Co.
- Northeast Utilities
- Phoenix Mutual Life Ins Company
- Roger’s Corp
- Southern New England Telephone Company (SNET)
- State Of Connecticut Office
- W.B. Brand Co.
- Wethersfield Country Club
- Wethersfield Grammar School
- Wethersfield Motor Vehicle Department
- Wethersfield State Farm For Women
- Wethersfield Terminal
- Wilcox Dental
- Willimantic Hospital
- Willimantic Police & Fire Complex
- Willimantic School
- Willimantic Synagogue
- Willimantic Trade School
- Windham Community Hospital
- Acands, Inc.
- American Linen
- Armstrong Construction & Supply
- Chester School
- Double X Corporation
- Eastern Ct St College Library
- Gamble Realty
- Hartford Electric Light
- Horn Motor Lodge
- Immaculate Conception Church
- Labor Department Building
- Mclaughlin Steel
- O.K. Company
- Pratt & Whitney
- Silas Deane Jr. High Schl
- State Highway Garage
- Stop & Shop
- Webb Jr. High School
- Wethersfield Fire Station
- Wethersfield High School
- Wethersfield Society For Savings
- Wethersfield State Labor Office
- Wethersfield Town Hall
- Willimantic Elderly Housing
- Willimantic Housing
- Willimantic Redevelopment
- Willimantic Sewage Disposal
- Willimantic Telephone Co.
- Willimantic Wire Co.
- Blazzis Stores
- C H Dexter & Sons Incorporated
- Combustion Engineering
- Cook Hill Farm
- First National Store
- Jacob Chuck
- Kaman Aerospace Corp
- Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
- Loomis Building
- Monsanto Co.
- Pepsi Cola / Schweppes Warehouse
- Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
- St. Gabriel School
- Stevens Paper Mill
- Taylor & Fenn
- Terry Steam Turbine
- Thrall Tobacco
- White Head Metals
- Windsor Cleaners
- Windsor Grade A Market
- Windsor Historical Soceity
- Windsor Jr. High School
- Windsor Manufacturing
- Windsor Poor House
- Windsor Sewage Plant
- Bradley Field Airport
- CE Power Systems, Inc.
- Combustion Engineering Windsor
- Emhart Corporation
- H & G
- Jfk High School
- Knights Of Columbus
- Knolls Laboratory
- Loomis Chaffe School
- Nautilus Prototype
- Poquonock School
- Snelgrove Florist
- Standyne Corporation
- Stop & Shop Windsor
- Taylor & Fenn Company
- Terry Steam Turbine Company
- Traveler’s Data Center
- Wilson Congregational Church
- Windsor Court House
- Windsor High School
- Windsor Industrial Center
- Windsor Locks Mushroom Plant
- Windsor Plaza Theater
- Windsor Safety Complex (Police & Fire)
- Windsor Town Hall
Windsor Locks
- Amaco Standard
- Bradley Airport – Delta Air
- Bradley Field – United Airlines
- Connecticut Air National Guard
- Dexter Paper
- First National Store
- Hamilton Standard
- Homestead Insulation Company
- Keratine Co.
- Litchfield County Hospital
- Southwest School
- United Aircraft
- Warehouse Point Boy’s School
- Windsor Locks Jr. High School
- American Airlines
- Bradley Field – Freight Terminal
- C. H. Dexter and Sons, Inc.
- Dexter Corporation
- Dexter’s Corporation
- First National Warehouse Locks
- Hanson Whitney Company
- Hoods Milk Locks
- Litchfield County High School
- Roncari Building
- Timex Corporation
- Us Test Lab Locks
- Windsor Locks High School
- Windsor Locks Paper Mills
from our clients
Because Your
Family Matters.
"Thank you for calling just to check on me. You don’t know how much that means to me."
- John L.
"At SWMW Law, people really do matter."
- Lois M.
"My deepest gratitude to the attorneys and everyone who are working on my husband’s case for him."
- Jeanne M.
"Thank you for calling just to check on me. You don’t know how much that means to me."
- John L.
"At SWMW Law, people really do matter."
- Lois M.
"My deepest gratitude to the attorneys and everyone who are working on my husband’s case for him."
- Jeanne M.
from our clients
Because Your
Family Matters.
"Thank you for calling just to check on me. You don’t know how much that means to me."
- John L.
"At SWMW Law, people really do matter."
- Lois M.
"My deepest gratitude to the attorneys and everyone who are working on my husband’s case for him."
- Jeanne M.
Because We Are Different.
Decades of Cumulative Experience
Our team is comprised of dozens of highly talented and experienced attorneys ready to fight for your best outcome.
Thousands of Clients Represented
Over the course of our firm's experience, we have helped thousands of victims and their families recover.
National Reach
We come to you wherever you are in the United States to help you and your family recover.
Resources + Personal Attention
A senior partner of our firm will be involved in your case, utilizing a team approach with massive resources uniquely applied to your case.
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