Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos Exposure Arkansas
SWMW Law Asbestos & mesothelioma attorneys

Arkansas Mesothelioma & Asbestos Lawyers

Asbestos Exposure in Arkansas

The risk of asbestos exposure for residents of Arkansas extends across the state. Arkansas has certain areas that place people at increased risk for exposure, specifically areas where the mineral was imported, where mining occurred and where improper demolitions took place.

Arkansas has no Superfund sites in which asbestos is listed as an official contaminant, but the toxic mineral can still be found in areas that pose a risk to residents.

Arkansas was one of many states that received tainted vermiculite from Libby, Montana. The vast majority of this vermiculite went to North Little Rock. The remaining shipments went to other Arkansas cities like Nashville, Hope, Pine Bluff and Little Rock.

Occupational hazards exist in multiple fields, sectors and workplaces in Arkansas. Much of the danger is dependent on the daily functions of the occupation of an employee. Certain occupations provide more extreme hazards, like asbestos exposure, which can end up being fatal.

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that primarily affects the mesothelium, which is the thin layer of tissue covering most of the internal organs. It most commonly develops in the lining of the lungs (pleural mesothelioma), but it can also occur in the lining of the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma), the heart (pericardial mesothelioma), or the testes (testicular mesothelioma).

The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, a group of naturally occurring minerals that were widely used in construction, insulation, and various industries due to their resistance to heat and corrosion. When asbestos fibers are inhaled or ingested, they can become lodged in the mesothelium, leading to inflammation and genetic damage that can eventually cause cancer.

Symptoms of mesothelioma can vary depending on the location of the cancer but commonly include:

Pleural Mesothelioma:
Peritoneal Mesothelioma:
Pericardial Mesothelioma:
Testicular Mesothelioma:
Statistics for Mesothelioma Cases in Arkansas

To this date, more than 300 mesothelioma and asbestos-related deaths have been reported from Arkansas. That number ranks the state of Arkansas 30th in the United States on deaths caused by mesothelioma.

Filing an Asbestos Claim if You Live in Arkansas
You do not have to file your claim in the state in which you live.

It’s far more important to contact an attorney with a strong history of experience specifically in asbestos cases, than it is to select one who happens to be in your area of Arkansas. The most successful attorneys in your area may have never handled an asbestos case.

SWMW attorneys dedicate the overwhelming majority of their time and effort prosecuting mesothelioma claims, so we know which states and jurisdictions are going to provide the best outcome for your case and can get your case settled faster.

We handle asbestos cases all across the USA, so we know how to file, where to file, and what to do to get you the compensation you deserve. Call (855) 744-2656 to speak with an Arkansas mesothelioma and asbestos attorney at SWMW Law.

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Jobsites in Arkansas With Known Asbestos Usage & Exposure

Provided below is a list of cities in the state of Arkansas where asbestos jobsites are known to have been located. If you worked for any of these companies or at these jobsites in Arkansas there is a possibility that you may have been exposed to harmful asbestos which is known to cause mesothelioma and lung cancer.

Search the list of cities by name:












El Dorado


Flint Creek


Fort Smith


Hot Springs

Jones Mills



Little Rock






North Little Rock


Pine Bluff

Prairie Grove








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