Asbestos Exposure

Arizona Mesothelioma & Asbestos Lawyers
Asbestos Exposure in Arizona

Arizona’s asbestos industry dates back to 1872 when the mineral was first discovered in the town of Chrysotile. Properties such as high tensile strength and resistance to fire, heat, chemicals and electricity made it an ideal building material with many industrial uses. With hundreds of natural asbestos deposits in the state, the mining industry and production companies rapidly expanded in mineral-rich areas.

Many Indian reservations owned asbestos prospects and distributed the fibers to local and national businesses. By the early 1980s, most mining districts, including the most profitable area, the Gila County Salt River region, had been shut down for threatening public health.
Hundreds of miners and industrial laborers with a history of extensive exposure experienced serious health complications, including mesothelioma, a rare cancer that typically affects the lining of the lungs.
The state’s asbestos mines were not the only sources of exposure. A 2008 report by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) explains that in addition to the documented asbestos sites, limestone deposits in the counties of Gila and Pinal were contaminated. Occupational exposure has been documented in several Arizona industries as well.
It’s far more important to contact an attorney with a strong history of experience specifically in asbestos cases, than it is to select one who happens to be in your area of Arizona. The most successful attorneys in your area may have never handled an asbestos case.
SWMW attorneys dedicate the overwhelming majority of their time and effort prosecuting mesothelioma claims, so we know which states and jurisdictions are going to provide the best outcome for your case and can get your case settled faster.
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals composed of thin, needle-like fibers. These minerals are resistant to heat, fire, and chemicals, and do not conduct electricity, making them useful in a variety of industrial and commercial applications. There are six main types of asbestos, including chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, and actinolite.
Asbestos has been widely used in building materials (like insulation, roofing shingles, and floor tiles), automotive parts (like brake pads and clutches), and other products. Despite its useful properties, asbestos is hazardous to human health.
The symptoms of asbestos-related diseases often take many years, even decades, to appear after initial exposure. Here are some common signs and symptoms associated with asbestos exposure:

Shortness of Breath: Difficulty breathing is a common early symptom, especially with exertion.

Persistent Cough: A chronic, dry cough that doesn't go away can be a sign of asbestos-related lung issues.

Chest Pain or Tightness: Pain in the chest or a feeling of tightness can occur.

Crackling Sound in the Lungs: A crackling sound when breathing (also known as rales) may be detected by a doctor.

Fatigue: Unusual tiredness or fatigue is a common symptom.

Weight Loss: Unintended weight loss can be a sign of a serious condition like mesothelioma or lung cancer.

Clubbing of Fingers and Toes: Thickening of the tissue under the nails, known as clubbing, can occur.

Swelling: Swelling in the face or neck, caused by lymph node involvement, can be a symptom of advanced disease.

Pleural Effusion: Fluid buildup around the lungs can cause chest pain and difficulty breathing.

Jobsites in Arizona With Known Asbestos Usage & Exposure

Provided below is a list of cities in the state of Arizona where asbestos jobsites are known to have been located. If you worked for any of these companies or at these jobsites in Arizona there is a possibility that you may have been exposed to harmful asbestos which is known to cause mesothelioma and lung cancer.
- Indian Hospital
- Phelps Dodge Copper Mine
- New Corneilia Copper Company
- Phelps-Dodge Corporation
- General Electric – Turbine
- Southwestern Agrichemical Company
- Spreckles Sugar Plant
- South Western Nitrochemical Company
- Spreckels Sugar Company
- Williams Air Force Base
- Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Plan
- United Verde Copper Company
- Phoenix Cement Company
- United Verde Extension Mining Company
- Arizona Copper Company Ltd
- Phelps Dodge Copper Products
- Shannon Copper Company
- Phelps Dodge Aluminum
- Phelps Dodge Corporation
- Apache Generating Station
- Arizona Electric Power Cooperative
- General Electric
- Apache Station
- Cochise Powerhouse/ Arizona Electric Power Co-Op
- Calumet and Arizona Mining Company
- Douglas Improvement Company
- Phelps Dodge Corporation (Douglas Smelter)
- Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company
- Phelps Dodge Copper Mine
- Us Inspection Station
- Arizona State Teacher’s College
- Northern Arizona University
- Saginaw and Manistee Lumber Company
- Southwest Lumber Mills
- Flagstaff Electric Light Company
- Ponderosa Paper Products Company Inc.
- Southwest Forest Industries
- Wisconsin Tissue
Fossil Creek
- Childs-Irving Power Plant
- Ariz. Eastern Railroad Company
- Cypress Mines
- Globe Light and Power Company
- Mercury Mines of America
- Superior and Boston Copper Company
- Arizona Commercial Copper Company
- Gibson Copper Company
- Inspiration Copper Mine
- Old Dominion Copper Mining and Smelting Company
- American Smelting & Refining Company
- Kennecott Copper Smelter
- Ray Consolidated Copper Company
- Kennecott Copper Company
- Kennecott Minerals Company
- Cholla Power Plant
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company
- Inspiration Copper Mine
- Miami Copper Company
- Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company
- International Consolidated Copper Company
- Arizona Copper Company Ltd
- Detroit Copper Mining Company
- Kennecott Copper Mine
- Morenci Power Plant
- Morenci Water Company
- Phelps Dodge Acid Plant
- Phelps Dodge Corporation
- Arizona State University – Smelter
- El Paso and S W Rr Company
- Metcalf Copper Smelter
- Morenci Smelter Plant
- P D Acid Plant
- Phelps Dodge Copper Mine
- Arizona Public Service Company
- Navajo Generating Station – Salt River Project
- Page Power Plant
- Navajo Generating Station
- Page Arizona Powerplant
- Power Plant
- Adams Hotel
- Air Research Plant
- Alcoa (F/K/A Reynolds Metals)
- Aluminum Processors, Inc.
- Arizona Bank Building
- Arizona Edison Company
- Arizona Light and Power Company
- Arizona Packing Company
- Arizona State Hospital
- Arizona State University – Library
- Barlett Heard Land and Cattle Company
- Central Arizona Light & Power Company
- Central Plaza Building
- Civic Center
- Constable Ice and Fuel Company
- Cudahy Packing Company
- Devry Institute of Technology
- Fiberglas Engineering & Supply Company
- General Aluminum & Chemical Corp
- Good Samaritan Hospital
- Honeywell Inc
- John C. Lincoln Hospital
- Kyrene Steam Plant
- Luke Air Force Base
- Marsh Company Murray
- Merabank Building (Also/Prv Known 3003 North Central
- Merritt Air Conditioning
- Mountain Bell Telephone Company
- National Brewing Company
- Ott Hardware
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company
- Phoenix Cement Div/Am Cem
- Phoenix Civic Plaza (including the Symphony Hall)
- Phoenix Indian School
- Phoenix Newspaper Building
- Phoenix Steel
- Reynolds Aluminum Plant
- Safeway
- Salt River Power District
- Salt River Pump & Supply Company
- Southwest Forest Industries, Inc
- State Hospital
- Sunnyslope Hospital (Aka John C. Lincoln Hospital)
- Tucson Gas and Electric Company
- Union Carbide Corporation
- VA Hospital
- West Phoenix Power Plant
- Administrative Building – Papago Park
- Airesearch Corporation
- Allison Steel
- Ariz Table Pad
- Arizona Brewing Company
- Arizona Engine & Pump
- Arizona Liquor Dist Siding
- Arizona Public Service Company
- Arizona State University – Campus Tunnel
- Asbestos Engineering & Supply Company
- Boy Scouts of America Headquarters
- Central Arizona St. Electric Station
- Century Brick Company
- Combustion Equipment Company
- Crystal Ice and Cold Storage Company
- Desert Samaritan Hospital
- Fenco
- Fort Huachaca
- General Electric
- Greenwood Memorial Park
- Indian River School
- Kyrene Silam Plant
- Le Fleur Corporation
- M H Sherman
- Memorial Hospital
- Avenue
- Motorola Plant
- Murray Marsh
- Normande Iron & Metal
- Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation
- Palo Verde Power Station
- Phoenix Charging Plant
- Phoenix Gas Works
- Phoenix Light and Fuel Company
- Phoenix Railway Company
- Phoenix Utility Company
- Reynolds Metals Company
- Salt River Power Agua Fria
- Salt River Project
- Santa Fe Peoria Team Track
- St. Josephs Hospital
- Sunnyside High School
- Tovrea Packing Company
- Uneeda Laundry Supply
- United Wholesale, S. Pacific Team Track
- Valley National Bank
- Western Electric Company – Cable Plant
San Manuel
- Arizona Rr Company
- HP Copper
- San Manuel Copper Corporation
- BHP Cooper
- Magma Copper Company
- San Manuel Copper Refinery
- Abitibi Consolidated
- Snowflake Paper and Pulp
- Southwest Forest Industries
- Smurfit Stone Corp
- Snowflake Paper Mill
- Southwest Lumber Mills Inc
- Adams Insulation
- Arizona State College
- Arizona State University
- Ford Motor Company
- Kyrene Plant
- National Malleable & Steel Corporation
- Safeway – Warehouse
- Salt River Valley Water User Association
- Western Rolling Mills
- Allison Steel
- Arizona State Teachers College
- Asu Utility Tunnel
- Kaiser Refractories
- Marathon Steel Company
- Ocotilla Power Plant
- Salt River Project
- Spreckels Sugar
- Apache Powder & Tucson Job
- Arizona Portland Cement Company
- Arizona State University – Hayden Library
- Borel Office Building
- Carlsons Brk & Bldrs Supply
- Eagle Milling Company
- Hughes Aircraft
- Lenco Heating & Cooling
- Omalley Lumber Company
- Pacific Fruit Express Company
- Provo Team Track
- Sahuaro H.S.
- South Lawn Memorial Park
- Titan Missile Site
- Tucson Gas and Electric Company
- Tucson Metal & Manufacturing Company
- University of Arizona
- University of Arizona – Old Law College
- Veterans Administration Hospital
- Arizona Ice and Cold Storage Company
- Arizona State University
- Arizona State University – Women’s Gymnasium
- C.Y.R. and P. Railroad
- Duval Mine
- Fort Huachuca
- Irvington Generating Sta
- Marsh Company Murray
- Pacific Fruit Express
- Phelps Dodge Copper Mine
- Saguaro Power Plant
- South Lawn Memorial Park
- Southwestern Alloys Division Nat Av
- Tucson Electric Power Company – Irvington Station
- Tucson High School
- Tuscon Powerhouse
- University of Arizona
- University of Arizona – Science Building
Little Rock
- Arkansas Electrical Co-Op
- Arkansas Power & Light Storeroom
- Houston Electric Company
- Little Rock Airport
- Reeves L. Ritchie Steam Plant
- Texaco Plant
- Arkansas Power & Light
- Delta Plant
- Lincoln Steam Power Plant
- Olin Mathieson Chemical Plant
- Super Wood
- Veterans’ Administration Hospital
- Arizona Public Service
- Luke Air Force Base
- W.S. Power
- Yuma Desalting Plant
- Yuma Ice and Cld Stge Company
- Bureau of Reclamation
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Welton-Mohawk Gila)
- Yucca Power Plant
- Yuma Electric Water Company
- Yuma Marine Corps Base

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